Janssen has contracted with eBlu Solutions to help streamline the process for some buy-and-bill in-office-administered Janssen therapies.
eBlu solutions copy note
eBlu Solutions is a third-party technology solutions provider. The eBlu Portal is an online platform that supports the processes of prescribing and distributing prescription therapies, including electronic prescriptions and electronic prior authorizations. Janssen Biotech, Inc., has contracted with eBlu to develop a customized manufacturer workflow within the eBlu platform to help connect patients to the Janssen programs that support them after their treatment is prescribed.
Patient Support
Janssen carePath

Janssen CarePath is your one source for access, affordability, and treatment support for your patients

Access Support
Access support
to help navigate payer processes

Janssen CarePath helps verify insurance coverage for your patients taking STELARA® and provides reimbursement information.

Affordability support
Affordability support
to help your patients start and stay on the treatment you prescribe

Janssen CarePath can help you find out what affordability assistance may be available for your patients taking STELARA®.

Treatment support
Treatment support
to help your patients get informed and stay on STELARA®

Janssen CarePath provides additional support to your patients, including patient education, web-based resources, and personalized reminders.


Call a Janssen CarePath Care Coordinator at 877-CarePath (877-227-3728), Monday–Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET

Multilingual phone support available.
where you can request and review benefits investigations, enroll eligible patients in the Janssen CarePath Savings Program, and view Savings Program transactions as requested by the patient.
Prescribe STELARA®
Request a benefits investigation online in the Provider Portal or download a digital Benefits Investigation and Prescription form, fill it in online (recommended), and fax to 866-769-3903.